Statue of Liberty

            The Statue of Liberty, an iconic symbol of freedom and democracy, stands proudly in New York. Designed by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, it was a gift from France to the United States and was dedicated on October 28, 1886. The statue is a colossal figure of a woman holding a torch aloft in her right hand and a tablet inscribed with July 4, 1776, the date of American independence, in her left. Her flowing robe and crown of seven rays represent enlightenment and liberty. The statue's pedestal is engraved with the famous sonnet "The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus, which celebrates America as a welcoming haven for immigrants. The Statue of Liberty remains a powerful symbol of hope, freedom, and the enduring values that the United States represents. 

A&E Television Networks. (n.d.). Statue of liberty arrives in New York Harbor | June 17, 1885.,the%20iconic%20tower%20in%20Paris%20bearing%20his%20name.


  1. New York really looks like a beautiful place. I want to visit the state again. The statue looks taken care of and brand new. I like that it represents our strength and values. It really is symbol of hope. New York is just full of every culture, which really represents freedom.

  2. Hi Jeremy!
    This post is very fun and educative. This right here is one of the best things to post about when it comes to school assignments, good on you. I personally love New York; it is such an iconic place, not only in the U.S, but also in the whole world now!

  3. New York is one my favorite cities and states to visit. I like how you mentioned and talked about the Statue of Liberty, which is one of the most historical and well known statues. I would like to see and visit one day. How it represents many things, such as freedom and hope.

  4. Hi Jeremie! I really liked your post. The statue of liberty is really cool and pretty. There are some interesting facts about the statue of liberty. The statue of liberty is made of copper that is why it looks green because it is oxidized. Another fact is that there is like 4 statues like the liberty. I really liked everything.


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